What is holding you BACK? Why are you not narrating your own story?

This is a great tool in which you can say daily. Put it by your bedside--and before reaching for that phone-grab this -make it your intention. Personalize it-Stylize it-Make this a reflection of what your soul aches for.
Acknowledge YOUR Power
I break free from the habits that are holding me back. I let go of old baggage and open up new opportunities.
I challenge my self-limiting beliefs. I distinguish between facts and feelings. When I start to question my abilities, I remember my past achievements.
I face my fears. Each time I do something that scares me, I build my confidence and reduce my anxiety.
I acknowledge my power. I am the only one who can narrate my story.
I know that I can change any area of my life if I am willing to work at it.
I forgive others and myself.
I feel lighter and happier when I stop replaying the past. If someone lets me down, I wish them well and move on. I learn from my experiences instead of regretting them.
I manage stress. I relax my body and mind with yoga and meditation. I take a warm bath or listen to soft music. I reach out to others when I need help. I rely on the anchors in my life who remind me of my strength and authenticity
I think positive. I focus on what I have to gain. I decide to be happy and cheerful.
I live authentically. I take pride in being an excellent version of me instead of comparing myself to others. I put my own principles and priorities ahead of external expectations. I celebrate my unique strengths and talents.
Today, I free myself from judgements and false limitations. I go beyond my comfort zone and experience new adventures.
Self-Reflection Questions:
THE BIG WHY? Why are you right here? Right now? Right in this space?
What is holding you back?
How have you narrated your life up to this point?